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    The Municipality of Calamba is a strategic center of comment and agri-based trading in Northern part of Misamis Occidental with empowered, God loving, well-discipline and happy people living in a healthy, drug-free, peaceful, disaster resilient and  satisfied community in a develop eco-tourism and a well-balance ecosystem governed by dynamic, decent and pro-active public servants.







                   The Municipal of Calamba is committed to improve the quality of life of Calambahanon by:


1.      Developing a progressive and highly competitive commercial and agri-business opportunities;

2.      Ensuring safety thru disaster resilient infrastructure in well-planned built environment;

3.      Improving public health and other accessible social services;

4.      Ensuring s safe, sound and environment friendly community; and

5.      Pursuing sustainable growth and development thru competent public servant.     


With active participation of Civil Society Organizations, Non-Government Organization Peoples Organization, Private Sectors and empowered constituents of the community.                                                                                              









    One of the priorities of the recent administration on the development of the country for economic recovery is agriculture. For the Municipality of Calamba, Misamis Occidental, this priority is highly suitable due to its being an agricultural area. The available agricultural lands are mostly developed on coconut production and a small percent of rice, corn and other root crops. Due to the fluctuating price of copra, most farmers are still on the poverty line of economy. For this effect, the development activities are geared towards the maximization of agricultural land used in the same area of land with coconut as the base crops. Marketing strategies and cooperative development in the barangay are also encouraged.




    Intensification of Land use include the modern technology on agriculture, like multi-cropping. Sloping and Agriculture Land Technology (SALTS), crop rotations and integrated farming system, which comprises crops, livestock to fishery production. Also considered are the technical and financial assistance improvement of storage and marketing network assistance of cooperative organization on liberalized credit by financing institution. The agricultural sector of the Local Government Unit is needed to coordinate with the Department of Agriculture personnel’s on Agricultural development.




    The Municipality of Calamba should be considered as one of the producing area for crops need in the industrial plants for processing farm products like coconuts, ube, banana, cassava, peanuts, and other high value crops and for the next five to ten years, the municipality will be focused on coconut and cassava production where marketing of the product is very much available. The agri-based industrial centers in the nearby municipalities/cities of the province should also be an area for inflow of the product.




    Livelihood is also one of the top priority programs of the municipality in support to agriculture. The establishment and improvement of nurseries and the organization of cooperatives of the barangays of the municipality wherein, creation and organization of cooperatives is practical way for the promotions, self-reliance and harnessing people power towards the attainment of the economic development and social justice of the municipality. The active participation, cooperation of the municipal, provincial, national government agencies representatives and the people organization/private sectors of the areas will be encouraged to achieve the desired developments. 




    The improvement of support infrastructure facilities of the municipality, such as farm-to-market roads, water system development, warehouses, processing pants and the solar driers in the barangays for farm production is necessary to sustain the development of economic growth. In fact, the on-going construction of multi-million earth dam, the on going construction of Calamba Public Market, the Integrated Bus Terminal and the proposed implementation of Electronic Governance will boast the economy of the people in the years to come.
















The economic development sector has a following sub-sector, namely:

  • Commerce
  • Industry
  • Agriculture
  • Forestry
  • Tourism





    Economically stabled constituents thru profitable business and improved agri-based production, thereby contributing more towards Local and National Development.





  • To provide additional strategic commercial sites for future expansions,
  • To provide modern facilities that will serve the needs of the consumers,
  • To separate industry establishments from residential and commercial area,
  • To prevent pollutions and traffic hazards,
  • To develop other agro-industries supportive to ecological balance,
  • To promote the Research and Development technologies with farmers participation,
  • To increase the livestock/poultry productions through proper utilization of land and water
  • To maximize the utilization of agricultural land through multi-storey farming system,
  • To develop a consistent and transparent policy toward a stable environment for forest development,
  • To consolidate all forestry programs into sustainable forest management program,
  • To promote/enhance tourism aspects and,
  • To protect natural beauties from conversion.


  • Seeking assistance from various agencies concerned to finance the construction of public market, appropriate drainage canals and modern slaughterhouse,
  • Identifying of proper areas for additional strategic commercial  and industrial site,
  • Improvement farm-to market roads,
  • Encouraged to organize cooperatives to engage in agro-industrial activity,
  • Promotion of Research and Development Technologies with farmer participation,
  • Always involve farmers participation in all new farming technologies,
  • Tap financing institutions to facilitate credit access





The Social Development Sector has a following sub-sector, namely;

  • Housing
  • Health
  • Education
  • Protective Services
  • Social Welfare Services
  • Sport and Recreation





    To alleviate the living condition of the most disadvantaged/depressed/un served/ constituents thru access in adequate means of survivals, educations, health cares, security & enabling services thus improved the quality of life of the people.





  • To provide and to identify area for socialize housing affordable to low paid laborers/workers,
  • To reduce morbidity and mortality,
  • To encourage the community to practice proper health and sanitation care,
  • To provide better health services and facilities,
  • To reduce crime rates,
  • To have adequate protective facilities and communication equipments,
  • To extend integrated services to disadvantaged families in order to achieve a well-develop life style,
  • To develop athletic skills of the youth,
  • To discover potentials players and athletes thru barangay competition,
  • To improve the physical facilities and teaching-learning outcomes by:
  • Initiating development and or corrective activity to improve teaching practices,
  • Ensure individual teacher to focus on improving pupil learning outcomes, in literacy, numeric and sensitivity of culture,
  • Decrease the number of drop-outs
  • To reduce crime rates,
  • To have adequate protective facilities and communication equipments,


  • Formulate local housing policies,
  • Strict implementation of land use plan,
  • Health education for risk reduction of diseases or IEC,
  • To encourage mothers to avail the complete prenatal and post natal care,
  • Intensify the kusog Baga(KB) program/projects,
  • Teacher is required to sign performance contract,
  • Activate the non-formal education program,
  • Formulate crime prevention program,
  • Maximum police visibility wherein 85% of the total strength will be assigned in the field and 15% of which will be at the office,
  • Provision of communication facilities down to the barangay level
  • Develop plans and strategies, identify basic needs of the needy, the disadvantaged and the impoverished, and implement appropriate measures to alleviate their problems and improve their living conditions,
  • Prioritize the most depressed barangays in the municipality in the implementation of development programs and services,
  • Provide a sufficient budget for sports activities and projects,
  • Encourage the private sector to support all government initiated sports program, and
  • Conduct inter-barangays ball game competition, boxing and others.





The Infrastructure and facilities development sector has a following sub-sector, namely;

  • Transportation
  • Water
  • Power
  • Communication





    Establishments/Improvements of infrastructure facilities and services needed for physical and economic development of the municipality.





  • To improve and expand road network, linkages and bridges,
  • To rehabilitate and improve farm-to-market road,
  • To improve traffic rule and management,
  • To efficiently distribute potable water to various barangays,
  • To expand level III water construction to other barangays,
  • To provide reliable and quality power services to its members/consumers,
  • To rehabilitate existing power lines,
  • To improve postal services through the construction of separate building, hiring of additional manpower and the provision of additional motorcycle, and
  • To put up public calling offices operating within 24 hours.


  • Prioritizing farm-to-market roads for improvement, rehabilitation and construction,
  • Improve traffic management measures by installing traffic sign,
  • Encourage public participation in the maintenance of roads and bridges,
  • Access funds for the water system in the barangays,
  • Provide 24 hour service of water supply,
  • Coordinate with NEA for electrification expansion and for the rehabilitation of power lines,
  • Seeking assistance from the Philippine Portal Corporation for the construction of portal building, hiring of additional manpower and provision of motorcycle,
  • Provision of modern/high-tech communication facilities services.








The Local Development Sector has a following sub-sector, namely;








    To have more effective and reliable delivery of basic services, the local officials and employees must be active, time-oriented, discipline and efficient for the improvement and upliftment of the standard of living of the constituents.





  • To update employees positions and functions to suit present organizational structure,
  • To harness manpower towards a more effective and reliable delivery of basic services,
  • To improve local revenue collections, and
  • To identify and utilize other sources of income.




  • Re-organization of employees fro proper identification of employees’ basic services,
  • Implementation of Local Government Performance Measurement and Evaluation System,
  • Giving awards/incentives/merits to deserving employees,
  • Updating and adopting the Local Revenue Plan,
  • Conduct tax information and education campaign resistance, and
  • Adopt revenue target settling using revenue estimation and forecasting techniques which will provide local treasurer with clear goal to achieve.











    A well-balanced ecology, well-planned zoning and land use thru various consultative and participatory processes.





  • Promotion of sustainable and well-planned land use;
  • Increase revenues due to land reclassification,
  • Protect the health, life and safety of the constituents,
  • Identify proposed areas for expansion,
  • Protect forest and other natural resources
  • Ensure well-balanced environment; and
  • Provide control measure in land uses through the formulation and adoption of the Municipal Zoning Ordinance.


  • Conduct public hearing and discussed with the affected area foe development to the constituents,
  • Conduct actual survey,
  • Adopt accessibility standards to implement distribution on urban land use with identified zone.
  • Planting of forest trees in all watershed areas of the municipality, and
  • Strict implementation of all existing laws for the protection and preservation of all natural resources. 





1.   Established an agricultural buying station in the 15 barangays.


2.   Establish a livelihood loan through a commercial bank.


3.   Invite domestic and international investors.


4.   Deputized all barangay treasures to collect real property tax.


5.   Enlist   the   services of   the    Philippine   National   Police   to


      increase local tax collection efficiency. 


6.   Promote rental of heavy equipment.


7.   Privatize operations in the public   swimming pool, catering


      services, beauty contest,  boxing  tournaments,  slaughterhouse,


      garbage collection, public market.     


8.   Public auction old vehicles.


9.   Provide available medicines to   all Phil Health   beneficiaries


      through the local pharmacies.


10. Established an internet service provider


11. Connect an on-line journal in the public library.


12. Adopt the use of electronic governance.


13. Implement the electronic procurement program.


14. Implement electronic commerce.


15. Adopt electronic bidding.


16. Adopt the use of electronic   national government accounting




17. Adopt the use of electronic taxation.


18. Connect all municipal computers to local area network.


19. Avail the services of employment agencies.


20. Improve peace and order condition.


21. Prohibit illegal gambling e.g. tari-tari.


22. Network with PAGASA for local weather forecast.


23. Use asphalts for all road constructions.




24. Prioritize listing for all economic infrastructure e.g. farm-to-


      Market roads, electrification, telephone line, internet   service


      service provider, irrigation, integrated bus terminal, bridges, etc  


25. Adopt   national   and   international standards in   engineering




26. Adopt   the use of   environmental   impact   assessment to all


      government projects.


27. Segregate and recycle garbage.


28. Install garbage cans in the poblacion.


29. Construct a sanitary landfill.


30. Provide cash incentives to revenue collection.


31. Establish a branch of the Land Bank of the Philippines.


32. Organize the Calamba Filipino-Chinese Chamber of Commerce


      and Industry.


33. Require all   residential,   industrial,   commercial structures to


      install street numbers.


34. Conduct public hearing on Calamba fiesta.


35. Initiate lateral entry of all casuals to the private sector.


36. Inventory all government properties.


37. Purchase new vehicle models.


38. Purchase two standby generators.


39. Subscribe    the   daily   newspapers,   international   magazines,


       annual reports from  the  national,  international  institution  e.g.


       Entrepreneur,    Agribusiness,   Asia week,   National    Statistics


       Office, World Development Report, etc.  in the public library.


40. Hire Consultants   from   the National   Line Agencies to assist


       the feasibility studies of  prospective  livelihood  loan borrowers


       annual data book, local governance,  policy making  e.g.  Master                 


       in Business Administration, Doctor of Economics, Lawyer.


41. Publish an annual municipal data book.


42. Establish a Policy Studies Group.

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